Windows 11 GGWA
El Get Genuine Windows Agreement (GGWA) es una solución de legalización que permite a los clientes sin copias genuinas de Windows adquirir licencias válidas antes de solicitar licencias de actualización de Windows.
188.00 USD
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El Get Genuine Windows Agreement (GGWA) es una solución de legalización que permite a los clientes sin copias genuinas de Windows adquirir licencias válidas antes de solicitar licencias de actualización de Windows. Las licencias GGWA permiten a los clientes convertir sistemas operativos Windows no genuinos en genuinos. Estas licencias son licencias completas de Windows y no tienen un requisito de Sistema Operativo (SO) calificado, lo que significa que se pueden utilizar para legalizar cualquier instalación de Windows. Aquí hay algunos escenarios en los que GGWA es relevante: <br/> <br/> <strong> 1. Instalación de software Windows utilizando claves de licencia de volumen filtradas (VLK). </strong> <br/> <strong> 2. Descarga de software en línea o desde una fuente desconocida o falsificada. </strong> <br/> <strong>3. Compra de PC sin un sistema operativo (SO) preinstalado. </strong> <br/> <br/> Al ofrecer GGWA en el programa Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) para Windows 11, Microsoft proporciona a los clientes una forma más sencilla de legalizar sus sistemas operativos Windows. El programa CSP permite a los clientes adquirir licencias GGWA a través de terceros de confianza, lo que facilita y agiliza el proceso de legalización de Windows. Si necesita asegurar el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de licencias y mantener un sistema operativo Windows genuino, GGWA es una solución valiosa.<br/> <br/> <br><p> <FONT color="#c70000"> IMPORTANTE: Solicite asistencia antes de adquirir esta solución, dado que no podría cubrir su necesidad. Estamos para ayudarlo. </FONT> </p> <br/>
  • Windows GGWA - Windows 11 Pro N - Legalization Get Genuine - Commercial Perpetual

    Get Genuine Windows (also known as “GGWA”) legalization solutions assist customers to convert non-genuine Windows operating systems to genuine, to remain compliant and encourage the purchase of genuine Windows pre-installed PCs in the future. GGWA is strictly to help a customer rectify a mis-licensing situation. Customers may acquire GGWA licenses for the full version of the Windows desktop operating system for devices that require valid Windows licenses. Because GGWA licenses are full licenses for Windows, they do not have a Qualifying OS requirement. GGWA licenses are available only as a one-time purchase, where all units must be placed under a single order. These licenses may not be assigned to devices without a Qualifying OS if such devices are obtained after the customer’s order. Windows 11 Pro is designed for small and medium businesses. Large organizations should work directly with their Microsoft seller. Windows 11 Pro N edition includes the same functionality as Wi...

    188.00 USD
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  • Windows GGWA - Windows 11 Pro - Legalization Get Genuine - Commercial Perpetual

    Get Genuine Windows (also known as “GGWA”) legalization solutions assist customers to convert non-genuine Windows operating systems to genuine, to remain compliant and encourage the purchase of genuine Windows pre-installed PCs in the future. GGWA is strictly to help a customer rectify a mis-licensing situation. Customers may acquire GGWA licenses for the full version of the Windows desktop operating system for devices that require valid Windows licenses. Because GGWA licenses are full licenses for Windows, they do not have a Qualifying OS requirement. GGWA licenses are available only as a one-time purchase, where all units must be placed under a single order. These licenses may not be assigned to devices without a Qualifying OS if such devices are obtained after the customer’s order. Windows 11 Pro is designed for small and medium businesses. Large organizations should work directly with their Microsoft seller.

    188.00 USD
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